Changes in the nature of Momentum Investing

While some market players are concerned about growing stock price volatility, momentum traders have profited handsomely from the mood swings over the previous year and a half. Investing in long-term momentum (5 years or 60 months) and short-term momentum (1 to 3 months) might lead to return reversal in the future. Interestingly in the medium term (6 to 12 months) actually exhibits a continuation of returns explaining the logic if in the medium-term growth trends the stock shows a persistently doing will show continuity in its growth trend or the period of future time and same way if it is continuously performing poorly it will continue to perform poorly as well in the long term. But in the current market situation of high volatility, investors can’t bet on continuation. Thus this has changed the strategies and behavior of investors have changed. Momentum Investors are tracking the short term, i.e., 1 to 3 months, to check on the returns, and so the portfolio has to be consta...